Month: March 2014

Liberal Canadians Like CNN’s Ashley Bainfield are Anti-Black Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing
By Walter L. Hilliard III - Of all the CNN host, Don Lemon gets on my nerves the most, but Bainfield is right behind him because she's always trying to make excuses or downplay the element of race in any conversation where Black people are a target or the victims.

Are Will and Jada Smith Letting Hollywood ‘Homosexualize’ Their Children?
By Walter L. Hilliard III - And I cannot tell if his daughter, Willow Smith, is a boy or a girl when I look at picture of him -- or her?

TV One & Roland Martin’s Shameless Pandering to Gays to Maintain His High Profile
By Walter L. Hilliard - And what REAL Black man do you know who sits around joking with Black male homosexuals about sex acts?

NBA’s Commish, Silver, Tells LeBron James to Ditch Black Mask, Scaring White Folks LikeTrayvon’s Hoodie
By Walter L. Hilliard III - But the much deeper issue, the issue I've seen no one discuss, is that this is related to the Trayvon Martin case and American racism, in general, particularly in regards to Black men being under constant suspicion and surveillance because they are dangerous, they are a threat.

Obama Verbal Hennessy
By Walter L. Hilliard - You know, Black people, you can’t fly if you high. Yaw’ll jus’ can’t go ’round so down on yourself, beat up by 400 years of racism, and then pick up a bottle of Obama Verbal Hennessy, thinking you can drink away your problems, wake up in a drunken stupor, and everything is fine.

We Need More Black Panthers Like Fred Hampton, Not MSNBC Kitty Cats Like Sharpton or Pussycats Like Obama
Walter L. Hilliard III - “We expected about twenty Panthers to be in the apartment when the police raided the place. Only two of those Black niggers were killed, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark.” FBI Special Agent Gregg York. Fred Hampton killed December 4th, 1969.