Farrakhan Despised, But Michael Sam Is White America’s Hero

FarrakhanBy Walter L. Hilliard III


Soooooooooo, let me get this right . . . the mainstream media glamorizes a homosexual Black man who allowed White gay men to “use” him as the “gay athlete poster child,” and he, Michael Sam, also uses his sexuality to get drafted – but they can’t accept or celebrate a dignified, hard-working Black man, Minister Louis Farrakhan, who has risked and committed his life for equal justice and speaks out against racism?


So Sam is a hero, and Minister Louis Farrakhan is despised? Hmmmm . . . have Black people ever asked themselves who has risked his life for them? Do they realize what the hypocritical anti-Black mainstream media is doing to the minds of Black people and especially Black children?


It’s quite amusing to watch the mainstream chastising Clippers owner Donald Sterling for racist comments spoken in private, while they practice anti-Black racism everyday, and often right in front of our faces. For example, CNN ghetto-izes its Black analyst to the Weekend Hood. The NBA office Adam Silver – who has been praised by all races as some sort of hero for deciding to ban Sterling – runs is only 18 percent Black when the league’s players are 75-80 percent Black. And these same networks, the major networks and cable networks like MSNBC, FOX and others, never hold the media accountable for its racism, nor do they take the police to task for murdering thousands of Black men over the last 30 years or so.


Just a thought.

About admin 176 Articles
My name is Walter Hilliard III. I have a B.S. degree in Public Administration and a Masters in Psychology (specialty in Media Psychology). I’m currently seeking publishers for a book focusing on Black Self-Destruction and two inspirational eBooks, having already published a multitude of articles in several different newspapers and magazines over the years. I’ve been a head basketball coach on the high school and college level, and taught success classes at a private college, created numerous community and college programs focusing on leadership, mentoring, college awareness (for inner-city kids), and employment and training. And I have worked as an employment and training manager, family therapist, behavior specialist, college retention specialist, juvenile detention center treatment supervisor, and a contractor, facilitating relationship and marriage education groups for couples. The purpose of Universal Soul Power is to confront negative media messages about African Americans, proliferate positive messages about the Black community, and inspire all those who are part of the universe, but especially African Americans, through my inspirational writings. The truth is that most African Americans haven’t lost their Spiritual Souls, yet (although some of us behave like we’ve lost our minds), but we have lost our “Soul” — that NewRhythmandBluesyContemporaryHipHopSoul that allows us to be compassionate, productive leaders who recognize what really matters in life and live our lives beyond fad terms like “Swag,” instead embracing more fulfilling concepts like being Calm, Cool, and Collected, and knowing what they are all about: being your “growing self,” dancing to your own Life Drum, in tune, on beat, unfazed by fear, and leaving the world a better place when they move on. Now dat’s Real Soul, and dat’s whatum talkin’ ’bout! Walter L. Hilliard III

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