Biden Gifting Gays, Women, Immigrants — But Sending Blacks To The Back Of The Bus

The Daniel Prude shooting in Rochester New York, just the latest of over 4,500 shootings of Black people over the last 10 years or so, reveals that the police clearly need to be defunded — including reprehensible killings like those of Tamir Rice and George Floyd. And yet we have Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, James Clyburn (Nancy Pelosi’s flunky), Kamala Harris, and even the Congressional Black Caucus, DemoRats and Black Congressmen who are supposed to serve Black America, all talking about no we can’t defund the police.

So Black people continue to be shot like dogs in the street, well, actually, the dogs get more respect than Black people, and Black voters, at a rate of around 90 percent, still ran out, with voter fever, and voted for Joe “Crime Bill” Biden.

And what thanks did they get? They got a treat from Joe Biden, in a recording released by the Intercept, chastising and lecturing them when they asked him to use Executive Orders to make changes that would benefit Black America. Biden said, “I am not going to violate the constitution,” by setting dangerous precedents for future administrations.

Among the perpetrators fronting as Black leaders attending the Zoom video call meeting were Al Sharpton, the National Action Network, Derrick Johnson, the NAACP, Marc Murial, the National Urban League, and others who sat there like a bunch of “bumps on a log” while Biden talked to them like beggars who had given away their votes and support to him before making him promise anything when he was running for president.

But Black people have been giving their votes away to DemoRats for over 50 years without demanding anything in return.

Yup, gays, trans, immigrants, women — Joe is making sure they stay in the front of the bus, and Black people stay in the back, just where they like to be.

Ultimately, Black people are going to have wake up, cut off the entertainment shows, cut off the sports, start doing their research on the issues, learn their history, gain an understanding of who they are, stop being cowardly and confront racism. Black people are going to have to stop shukin’ and jivin’, stop going along to get along with the DemoRat’s (and they’re worse than the RepubliCons) “everybody but us” agenda, and be grown ass men and women for our children’s sake.

There are almost 18,000 police/law enforcement offices — including local, state, federal — in the United States; however, they are not only enforcers of the law, they are also modern-day slave patrols when it comes to how many of them deal with Black people. And that’s a damn shame.

About admin 176 Articles
My name is Walter Hilliard III. I have a B.S. degree in Public Administration and a Masters in Psychology (specialty in Media Psychology). I’m currently seeking publishers for a book focusing on Black Self-Destruction and two inspirational eBooks, having already published a multitude of articles in several different newspapers and magazines over the years. I’ve been a head basketball coach on the high school and college level, and taught success classes at a private college, created numerous community and college programs focusing on leadership, mentoring, college awareness (for inner-city kids), and employment and training. And I have worked as an employment and training manager, family therapist, behavior specialist, college retention specialist, juvenile detention center treatment supervisor, and a contractor, facilitating relationship and marriage education groups for couples. The purpose of Universal Soul Power is to confront negative media messages about African Americans, proliferate positive messages about the Black community, and inspire all those who are part of the universe, but especially African Americans, through my inspirational writings. The truth is that most African Americans haven’t lost their Spiritual Souls, yet (although some of us behave like we’ve lost our minds), but we have lost our “Soul” — that NewRhythmandBluesyContemporaryHipHopSoul that allows us to be compassionate, productive leaders who recognize what really matters in life and live our lives beyond fad terms like “Swag,” instead embracing more fulfilling concepts like being Calm, Cool, and Collected, and knowing what they are all about: being your “growing self,” dancing to your own Life Drum, in tune, on beat, unfazed by fear, and leaving the world a better place when they move on. Now dat’s Real Soul, and dat’s whatum talkin’ ’bout! Walter L. Hilliard III