Van Jones, Modern-Day Race-Fixer Like Clinton’s Vernon Jordan — Masters of Making White Supremacy Feel Unthreatened

By Walter L. Hilliard III –

So the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation reached $90 million in donations, having existed for eight years, formed after the death of Trayvon Martin — but receiving tons of money because of the horrifying death of George Floyd in 2020.  Nonetheless, they’ve managed to only recently become transparent and open up their books, after a firestorm of complaints from Black Lives Matter groups around the country.  The vast majority of these groups claimed they never received any money from the foundation after requesting money.   And, in fact, most of the little money they had given went to gay and/or Trans groups.  Not to mention the millions they have received from George Soros to also fund their gay agenda.  And Van Jones has worked extensively with George Soros and his Open Society organizations for years, even running his Green for All organization years ago.

But Soros is not the only billionaire giving Van Jones money.

When I saw that billionaire and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos had given Van Jones $100 million, it soon occurred to me, “Ohhhh, Van is the Coon Rep they trust, billionaires have given him money before, in particular, George Soros; thus, I realized Jones had been vetted.  But what’s most disturbing is my thought that Bezos, like Soros, will be using Van, a high-profile Black man, to continue an already well-funded genocidal attack against straight Black men and the Black family or community, continuing to target and promote the gay/trans agenda to Black boys and Black men.  Why is this so devastating to the Black community?  Well, because Black women do not have enough Black men to mate and date with.  How are young Black women going to have babies when there continues to be a shortage of Black men?  America already mass-incarcerates Black men, taking them out of the mating picture; they also expose them to situational homosexuality and AIDS in prison, which they can pass on to their mates and unborn children when they get out; and many Black men die early from gang violence and disease when compared to other groups of men.  Also, Black women are being targeted for abortions (we’ve lost over 20 million babies to abortion since 1973’s Roe v. Wade, which legalized mass abortion).  This is why the Black population has not grown as it should have.

And speaking of Van Jones, what kind of straight Black man goes around pushing a gay agenda?

If Jeff Bezos gave $100 million to some White man, say, why would all other White Americans feel happy about that?  So why in the hell should Black people care if Bezos gave a Black TV analyst like Van Jones $100 million, except for the fact that his promotion of the gay agenda is genocidal to his own people?  Or why should Latinos care that Bezos also gave Chef Jose Andres, who provides emergency food relief through his World Kitchen non-profit, a $100 million, as well?

Van Jones, an attorney, made his name crying about racism on TV, begging folks to love Black people and to stop killing us; however, his real “claim to fame” is whoring himself out for liberal causes that really do nothing for Black people, including his promoting the gay/trans agenda, immigration, and women rights (really White women).  And Jones always distances himself from anything or person perceived by the masses and media as radical or pro-Black.

You see, Jones has made a career out of catering to White sentiment and liberalism, being careful not to offend them by avoiding anything that hints of being too black or Blackness.  It also appears that he only dates and marries White women so he avoids portraying himself or views as too Black, 24-seven.  And all smart Black people know exactly what he’s doing: he talks low, he smiles a lot, he begs them for understanding, and he avoids the word “racism” and “Black” as much as possible.

And, oh, by the way, he’ll make sure he stays away from Minister Louis Farrakhan.  That would really piss his masters off.


About admin 176 Articles
My name is Walter Hilliard III. I have a B.S. degree in Public Administration and a Masters in Psychology (specialty in Media Psychology). I’m currently seeking publishers for a book focusing on Black Self-Destruction and two inspirational eBooks, having already published a multitude of articles in several different newspapers and magazines over the years. I’ve been a head basketball coach on the high school and college level, and taught success classes at a private college, created numerous community and college programs focusing on leadership, mentoring, college awareness (for inner-city kids), and employment and training. And I have worked as an employment and training manager, family therapist, behavior specialist, college retention specialist, juvenile detention center treatment supervisor, and a contractor, facilitating relationship and marriage education groups for couples. The purpose of Universal Soul Power is to confront negative media messages about African Americans, proliferate positive messages about the Black community, and inspire all those who are part of the universe, but especially African Americans, through my inspirational writings. The truth is that most African Americans haven’t lost their Spiritual Souls, yet (although some of us behave like we’ve lost our minds), but we have lost our “Soul” — that NewRhythmandBluesyContemporaryHipHopSoul that allows us to be compassionate, productive leaders who recognize what really matters in life and live our lives beyond fad terms like “Swag,” instead embracing more fulfilling concepts like being Calm, Cool, and Collected, and knowing what they are all about: being your “growing self,” dancing to your own Life Drum, in tune, on beat, unfazed by fear, and leaving the world a better place when they move on. Now dat’s Real Soul, and dat’s whatum talkin’ ’bout! Walter L. Hilliard III