Blacks Still Selling Souls To Liberal Oppressors Like Biden n Dem Party

By Walter L. Hilliard III –

People talk about Vladimir Putin and his Russian government possibly killing dissidents, and this is a bad thing; however, the media never brings up the fact that the United States’ very own police forces, state-sponsored terrorism, routinely get away with killing Black unarmed Black people like George Floyd and Eric Garner. When you are a victim in the middle of a war being carried out against you, but your fear-based delusion conveniently allows you to minimize the threat and habitually back down from your oppressors, you will eventually be annihilated — genocide.

So I’m watching Briahna Joy’s, an African America liberal and former Bernie Sanders National Press Secretary in 2020, Bad Faith Podcast when she challenges Gregg Marcel Dixon, a Black man campaigning to unseat Congressional Rep James Clyburn from his S.C., for promoting reparations for Blacks, while seeming to disparage the need for reparations for Native Americans.

Briahna has the “I’ll pray for my ‘pie in the sky'” disease many Black people have, always putting the needs of other groups, most of whom don’t even like or respect Black people, ahead of Black people’s needs.  The NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, and National Urban League are organized institutional manifestations of this disease.  For example, the United States has given over $4 billion to Native Americans and 44 million acres of land; almost $3 billion to the Japanese and their heirs for placement in internment camps during WWII; etc.

Despite Biden executing over 80 Executive Orders since coming into the office of the president, he hasn’t done even one specifically for Blacks.  For 30 years I’ve been saying “Don’t vote until Dems do something for Black people,” but to no avail.  And I have even had nasty arguments with Black people attacking me for not voting.  When they say, “If you don’t vote, you can’t talk”  and “Black people died for you to be able to vote,” I have told them that I don’t need to vote for a Prostitute-Politician to do for me what I can do for me and my community, and my having always gone into the Community Streets and worked with our Inner-City poor, period.  So I’ll say what I want to say.

Harriet Tubman said:  “I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

Every Black person who has ever voted for the DemoRats (we know the RepubliCons don’t care about us) owes the rest of us, Black people, an apology for selling out, voting for a Democratic Party that has brought us Mass Incarceration (Clinton Crime Bill and Joe Biden’s work with Bush and Reagan building the Prison Industrial Complex) and effeminized our boys, pushing a gay White agenda that uses Black gays like Black Lives Matter’s leadership, as fronts, so the masses equate their agenda with the Black Civil Rights Movement.

Even liberals like Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and James “Jim Crow” Clyburn, whose South Carolina District is one of the poorest in the nation, don’t want Blacks to get reparations — not to mention Clyburn’s continued support for reparations for Native Americans.  But when asked about reparations for Blacks, Clyburn said “pure reparations would be impossible to implement.”  He also said that giving tax incentives to developers doing business in low-income neighborhoods is just “smoke and mirrors.”

Former President Barack Obama told Black people/the Congressional Black Caucus to “take off your bedroom slippers” when Black people forced them to speak up and confront Obama regarding his political apathy towards us while helping White gays and women.

If your neighbor constantly borrows money, sugar, and free rides to wherever from you, at some point you would think you would tell your neighbor:  “Uhhh, that’s enough, I have been doing things for you for 50 years, but you refuse to do anything for me so, no, I’m not going to do anything else for you until you do something for me.”  And the worst part of this analogy is that after 50 years Black people still haven’t caught on.

In the last presidential election, the liberal White media and the democratic funding machine peppered the Black masses with “Trump is a Bogeyman” commercials as a scare tactic to encourage Blacks to literally use the “Biden is the lesser of two evils” excuse.

It’s 2022 and Black people cannot continue to take the easy way out, doing little or no research on the issues, pathologically voting for a democratic party that uses them for free votes, while giving all their time, attention, and assets to immigrants, White women, gay groups — all of whom have a negative view of Black people.


About admin 176 Articles
My name is Walter Hilliard III. I have a B.S. degree in Public Administration and a Masters in Psychology (specialty in Media Psychology). I’m currently seeking publishers for a book focusing on Black Self-Destruction and two inspirational eBooks, having already published a multitude of articles in several different newspapers and magazines over the years. I’ve been a head basketball coach on the high school and college level, and taught success classes at a private college, created numerous community and college programs focusing on leadership, mentoring, college awareness (for inner-city kids), and employment and training. And I have worked as an employment and training manager, family therapist, behavior specialist, college retention specialist, juvenile detention center treatment supervisor, and a contractor, facilitating relationship and marriage education groups for couples. The purpose of Universal Soul Power is to confront negative media messages about African Americans, proliferate positive messages about the Black community, and inspire all those who are part of the universe, but especially African Americans, through my inspirational writings. The truth is that most African Americans haven’t lost their Spiritual Souls, yet (although some of us behave like we’ve lost our minds), but we have lost our “Soul” — that NewRhythmandBluesyContemporaryHipHopSoul that allows us to be compassionate, productive leaders who recognize what really matters in life and live our lives beyond fad terms like “Swag,” instead embracing more fulfilling concepts like being Calm, Cool, and Collected, and knowing what they are all about: being your “growing self,” dancing to your own Life Drum, in tune, on beat, unfazed by fear, and leaving the world a better place when they move on. Now dat’s Real Soul, and dat’s whatum talkin’ ’bout! Walter L. Hilliard III