Articles by admin
By Walter L. Hilliard III - You know, Black people, you can't fly if you high. Yaw'll jus' can't go 'round so down on yourself, beat up by 400 years of racism, and then pick up a bottle of Obama Verbal Hennessy, thinking you can drink away your problems, wake up in a drunken stupor, and everything is fine.
Basketball Crimestopper
By Walter L. Hilliard III - I was aghast when I watched Hall being introduced before a game and have his teammates pat him down like a cop patting down a suspect he's about to arrest.
Bill Maher’s Liberal HollyWeird Racism Acceptable
By Walter L. Hilliard III -- The reality is that Mahr has made a career out of expressing a form of passive aggressive dislike for a lot of people, and especially for Black men.
Will the Real Barack Obama Please Stand Up
So when do the Scandals involving this White House stop? There’s the Benghazi debacle, as well as US Attorney General Eric Holder, the White House’s and nation’s top law enforcement officer, trying to intimidate the mainstream media by subpoenaing …
Don’t Quit, Getting That Edu-Ma-Cation Will Always Be Important
By Walter L. Hilliard III - Thirdly, be persistent, despite the obstacles, and decide that they are going to have to throw you out
Morehouse, Launching A LGBT Course, Really? These Ni%*$#* Have Gone Mad
By Walter L. Hilliard III - Why are we not asking why some of our young Black boys are taking on effeminate characteristics? Why don’t we care?